A beautiful chaos - 2021 Summary

Friday 31 December 2021

A beautiful chaos ❤ 2021 Summary

Happy New Year ! In 2021, I did a list with 10 projects I would like to do. It was a success, but not in the way I expected. I did less cosplays, and my best 9 is just a reflection of that : My most famous catwalk, cosplay designs, only few new projects, memes and damn, my old Leona! It was a beautiful chaos. Beautiful because I tried new things, and a chaos because I was overwhelmed... I'm at that point of my cosplay journey where I have too much work for a single person, but not enough budget to hire someone. I will continue to do my best, and wish that 2022 will be better for everyone ❤

1) My move + workshop ✓

So happy to finally be in a house and not in that small apartment. I also have a second cat <3

2) Being more confident ✓

Orchidna helped me to be more confident. Not only with sexier projects, but also with smaller ones. I mostly did "small/medium" costumes this year while I was slowly working on the Nergigante.

3) Huge & spiky Dude: Nergigante crossplay ✓

I worked a lot on this project this year, and I can't wait to participate in the final of the French Cosplay Cup ALL STARS with it. It is a huge French contest with all the finalists of the previous editions.

4) Photo Editing Book : First printed book ❌

I finished many eBooks this year, but not this one. It will definitely be a project I will do in 2022!

5) High level sculpts + molds + prostheses + fine details : Lilith ❌

Well, Lilith will also be delayed to 2022. But, I did a high level sculpt prop: the Lich King helmet, so I guess it matters a bit. :)

6) Wings + OC : High Priestess of Hakkar ✓

It was not Hakkar, but I did a colorful Original Character with wings this year : Brightwing! It was a pretty fun collaboration with Hearthstone Mercenaries!

7) Sewing project : OMG??? ✓

My Oracle? At least there is a lot of fake furs and fabrics on that costume. x)

8) Continue all the new content of 2020 ✓

Weekly live streams on Twitch (Sunday): Success with 411 hours of streaming this year, so almost 8 hours per week! I also continued the rewards on Patreon, even if there were less projects this year. I did soooo much photo/video shootings!

9) Finish all those commissions! ❌

I did so much collaborations this year (Logitech, Raid Shadow Legends, Gamigo, Blue, Blizzard, Summoners War, Warcraft, LeStream, Hearthstone Mercenaries & more...). I also almost finished all my cosplay design commissions, but not all of them, so it is not a full success. And I can't show you all those incredible designs now. :')

10) More videos: YOUTUBE + TIKTOK ✓

Yaaaaay! I did so much videos this year! I also started to share on TikTok, and one video already reached 1.6M views and you are more than 30k to follow me here! I'm recording the creation of the Great Sword of my Nergigante for YouTube. I gave up on the idea to record the creation of the whole costume. It takes too much time to craft and record at the same time when you're alone and don't have a good set up.

2021 score : 7/10